Friday, September 11, 2009

Sex Appeal:

When you see someone that is very social and strangely seductive, maybe they are not that good looking, but they have something that makes you feel attracted and jealous of them. Yeah, that's sex appeal. Want some? Read on!

1. Care for and love your looks. It is good to look quite nice, it can really make you feel better about yourself. Try to try something new, like a new haircut or new wardrobe. Do something new on your looks, but you have to feel beautiful and find yourself pretty.
2. Don't be afraid to approach people. Being shy won't help you, it will hurt you. If you want to meet new people, it's easy when you make the first move. Go up to them and have a talk, but be enthusiastic and real, and please, wipe off all your awkwardness and insecurities, and express yourself freely.
3. Have a sense of style. It is important to know what is hot and what's not. Remember, fashion is about wearing only what flatters you, since then you will feel comfortable and act more naturally.
4. Connect with people. Look at strangers and make eye contact with them and smile easily. Greet them. It will give you more confidence, besides, doing it is a way of connection that will make it easier to get to meet people.
5. Be sure of your qualities. Being confident in yourself, not only in your looks, but also in your own person, is always important. When you like yourself and you are sure that your qualities are cool, then you will be able to let them be noticed and don't hide them. Tell yourself that you're beautiful and think of why people should like you for you.
6. Always have a good sense of humour. Don't take things too seriously, try to smile easily and laugh more often. Even if you don't feel your best, try to think of positive things more often.
7. '"Pretty is as pretty does"' Be the person you believe yourself to be on the inside. Attractiveness is not just about physical qualities. Charisma and magnetism and confidence are far more attractive than a stereotypically *beautiful* person with a nasty attitude.
8. Work your eyes. You can flirt just by looking at a guy or a girl with eye contact. Playfully batter your lashes, stay wide-eyed and when he or she says something that should generate a reaction or response, simply open your eyes even wider. This is giving the message "I am interested and listening. You fascinate me". (Although, don't open your eyes too wide, it could make you look fake and scare them off or it will make it look like if she did something and you're looking at her like "IT'S HER!" XD.)
• Confidence is the most important - it can give you the necessary presence, charm, charisma and sex appeal you want.
• Meet new people for fun! Don't force yourself to appear sexy or something, just have a good time and don't hide your natural sex appeal.
• Always keep a positive attitude and smile. Sexy people usually smile often.
• Stand tall and be observant if you find someone that may have been glancing your direction, walk over and start a conversation. *The best line to use is "Hi my name is (state your name clearly and confidently) and how are you?"
• Most importantly, be yourself. Pretending to be anyone you're not will work against your own natural charm.
• Keeping your eyes halfway open is very sexy. This does not mean looking as if you're on drugs or tired, but keeping them slightly less that completely open, relaxed. This gives off the message that "there's something good i'm hiding" and a little mysterious, which guys love. Then, when you're actually talking to someone, open your eyes wide.

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