Friday, September 11, 2009
How to Be Charming
George Clooney, known widely for his charm.
Charm is the art of having an attractive personality. This characteristic can only be achieved over a period of time. While everyone is born with differing amounts of natural charm, much can be acquired and honed through practice and patience. As with dancing, the more you practice, the better you will become. Effort and careful attention to the needs and desires of others will ensure that charm becomes a permanent part of your character.
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[edit] Steps
1. Improve your posture. Good posture will give the impression of self confidence (even if you don't feel that way on the inside). While walking, maintain a relaxed yet definitive upright posture: spine long, shoulders back, head level with the ground. This may feel awkward or overpowering to you when you first practice it, but keep trying.
Relax the muscles in your face to the point where you have a natural, pleasant expression permanently engraved there. Face the world and show everyone you're not afraid.
3. Make a connection. When your eyes come in contact with another person's, nod and smile subtly with a subdued joy shining forth. Don't worry about the other person's reaction and don't overdo it.
4. Remember people's names when you meet them for the first time. This takes an enormous amount of effort for most people. Repeat the person's name when stating your name to that person will help you to remember it better. For example: "Hi Jack, I'm Wendy." Follow through with small talk and repeat the person's name. Repeat it once more when you say goodbye. It's not just about helping you to remember that person. The more you say a person's name, the more that person will feel that you like them and the greater the chance they'll warm up to you. Write it down somewhere. i.e. Diary.
5. Be interested in people. If you meet a new acquaintance, for example a coworker, a classmate, a friend of a friend, etc. find out about their immediate family and interests. Be sure to ask after the names of family members and remember them. Be careful in that subject, though, because you don't want to be nosy. If you ask too much they will become uncomfortable. Also ask after their particular interests in life. These two topics will ensure much better small talk than just harping on about school or work. Most people don't like to think about those things at social occasions unless they have to. Even if it is about networking, you should understand fully the worth of taking a break from talking shop. It is important to refrain from talking up about yourself. Be purely interested and impressed by the person with whom you are speaking.
6. Orient topics toward the audience. This means taking into account topics that interest those around you, even if you are not so keen on them. If you are in a sporty crowd, talk about last night's game or the meteoric rise of a new team. If you are amongst a group of hobbyists, draw out their hobbies and make remarks related to fishing, knitting, mountain climbing, movies, etc. Nobody expects you to be an expert. It is your level of interest and willingness to engage in topics that makes you an interesting person to be around. Exercise an open mind. Let others do the explaining. If someone mistakenly thinks you know more about the topic, be genuine and simply say that your knowledge is limited but that you are hoping to learn more about it.
7. Praise others instead of gossiping. If you are talking with someone or you are talking in a group of people, and up pops the subject of another person in a positive or negative way, be the one to mention something you like about that person. Hearsay is the most powerful tool in gaining charm because it is always viewed as 100% sincere. It has the added benefit of creating trust in you. The idea will spread that you never have a bad word to say about anyone. Everyone will know that their reputation is safe with you.
8. Don't Lie. A lie is something you say for which there is some direct evidence somewhere out there that contradicts it. If you tell Mary that you like Jane and you tell Billy that you don't like Jane, Mary and Billy will talk and your reputation will be ruined. No one will believe a word you say.
9. Issue compliments generously, especially to raise others' self esteem. Try to pick out something that you appreciate in any situation and verbally express that appreciation. If you like something or someone, find a creative way to say it and say it immediately. If you wait too long, it may be viewed as insincere and badly timed, especially if others have beaten you to it. Because you waited, you are most likely not confident in saying what you thought, so waiting will only result in a less than enthusiastic presentation. If you notice that someone is putting a lot of effort into something, compliment it, even if you feel that there is room for improvement. If you notice that someone has changed something about themselves (haircut, manner of dress, etc...) notice it, and point out something you like about it. If you are asked directly, be charming and deflect the question with a very general compliment.
10. Be gracious in accepting compliments. Get out of the habit of assuming that the compliment is being given without genuine intent. Even when someone makes a compliment out of contempt, there is always a germ of jealous truth hiding in their own heart. Be effusive in accepting the compliment. Go beyond a mere "thank you" and enjoin this with "I'm glad you like it" or "It is so kind of you to have noticed." These are "compliments in return." Avoid backhanding a compliment. There is nothing worse to a person complimenting than to receive the response "Oh well I wish I was as ______ as you/that situation." That is tantamount to saying, "No, I am not what you are saying I am, and your judgment is wrong."
11. Control your tone of voice. The tone of your voice is crucial.Voice should be gentle and peaceful Think about it, is someone who yells attractive? Just pay more attention to how you are speaking. Articulate and speak clearly and project your voice. Most people feel insecure somewhere inside and have an inability to accept praise. For this very reason, when you praise, do it subtly and glibly. When you say, "you look nice today" it should be in the exact same tone that you would use to say "it's a nice day." Any variation from your normal tone will arouse suspicion about your sincerity. Practice giving compliments into a recorder and play it back. Does it sound sincere? Practice until you get it right.. It might not sound right to you, in that case, ask someone for judgement.
12. Smile with teeth it is an opening gesture and more friendly than smiling with a closed mouth.
13. Don't complain about events in your day, discuss the highlights of your day! Nobody wants to hear how much your day sucked, and it will only make you seem like a depressed and pessimistic person. But at the same time, be sure not to brag about your day, you'll be seen as arrogant.
• Always remain relaxed. Yet somewhat tensed, as if ready to kiss. You want to please other people but you do not worry about what they are thinking. If you do, it will be written all over your face and you will be perceived as a doormat or a people-pleaser--a person with a desperate need for others to like them. And remember, what people are thinking is rarely about you. It is generally about themselves and their own to-do lists.
• The degree of charm that you possess depends on the creativity of your praise. Say something that is not immediately obvious and say it in a poetic way. It's good to have some premeditated compliments and phrases but the most charming people are able to invent them on the spot. This way, you can be sure that you are not repeating it.
• Every so often you will have no choice but to express an opinion that few others hold (to adhere to the honesty policy). You must do it in a humorous way. Humor is the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down.
• Empathy is at the core of charm. If you can't tell what makes people happy or unhappy, you have no way to assess whether you are saying the right or wrong thing. At times, having a sense of nonchalance is a plus.
• If you find it tricky to relax your face, start with your shoulders. Are they up near your ears? That's a good sign you're tense. Put them back in place, correct your posture, take in a deep breath and smile.
• If you are confident, others will take notice. It's very attractive on both guys and girls, just don't be too confident and borderline cocky or egotistical. Grammar is also an important key in charm. Try to say "-ing" instead of "-in'" (i.e. running instead of runnin.)
• Walk with confidence. Stand up straight and lift your head a little. Walk with purpose and elegance. This may seem awkward at first but it will cause people to notice you more and recognize your charm and beauty.
• Wear well-fitting, well-made clothes. Clothes that are too small or big and that you have to tug at don't make anyone feel good!Just make sure you smell nice and look your best. This is the easiest step of all.
• Appearance must be clean and neat This is the base of all beauty and charm. No one will find you attractive if you smell bad or look messy. Dress how you want to from emo to skater to pretty and classy, you can be proper and still have a style.
• Be patient. Something may be obvious to you but not so simple to others. Understand that and help them out.
• Never argue. Remember if half of the people who hear your argument agree and half disagree, you have failed at being charming. What you say must be pleasing to 100% of the people who will hear it, whether they hear it directly from you or not. Just ask yourself, "does this person really want to hear my opinion right now?" If not, it's best to keep it to yourself and say something funny or pleasurable instead.
• Don't worry if no one else laughs at your jokes. Sometimes people just don't hear or understand a joke. It is as embarrassing for them to miss the punchline, and to have to own up to it, as it is for the person giving the joke seeking to wind up a jovial response.
• Never over-explain anything. To do this is to belabor a point. Unfortunately, it simply confirms a lack of self-esteem in that you do not trust that others have understood your point. In addition, it displays arrogance in that it demonstrates a feeling on your behalf that your listeners cannot think for themselves. People will listen to you when you cut out unnecessary explanations and force them to be active listeners. Trust that your listeners can put two and two together.
• Many people mistake arrogance for charm. In fact, arrogance is anti-charm. Charmers live to please others. Arrogant people live to please themselves. Arrogance only attracts insecure people while charm attracts everyone.
• Don't try experimenting with different personalities. People like others who know who they are, and tend to find them more pleasing to be with.
• Don't be too much of an attention getter. Try to be subtle with your conversations. It's OK to have fun or laugh or pop a joke, but if someone isn't paying attention don't repeat their name until they look at you then tell a joke. Most of the time if they weren't paying attention in the first place they won't have a whole lot of humor. If you can, wait for your turn in the conversation.
• Rather than changing your character to match with someone else's, highlight an aspect of your own character.
• Remember that none of the above will actually work and be fully convincing unless it flows from the heart of its own accord. The truth is that real charisma is a gift and ultimately cannot be forced. Paradoxically, selflessness is the best road to charisma. However, the road to selflessness may prove to be a con\\undrum in itself.
Sex Appeal:
1. Care for and love your looks. It is good to look quite nice, it can really make you feel better about yourself. Try to try something new, like a new haircut or new wardrobe. Do something new on your looks, but you have to feel beautiful and find yourself pretty.
2. Don't be afraid to approach people. Being shy won't help you, it will hurt you. If you want to meet new people, it's easy when you make the first move. Go up to them and have a talk, but be enthusiastic and real, and please, wipe off all your awkwardness and insecurities, and express yourself freely.
3. Have a sense of style. It is important to know what is hot and what's not. Remember, fashion is about wearing only what flatters you, since then you will feel comfortable and act more naturally.
4. Connect with people. Look at strangers and make eye contact with them and smile easily. Greet them. It will give you more confidence, besides, doing it is a way of connection that will make it easier to get to meet people.
5. Be sure of your qualities. Being confident in yourself, not only in your looks, but also in your own person, is always important. When you like yourself and you are sure that your qualities are cool, then you will be able to let them be noticed and don't hide them. Tell yourself that you're beautiful and think of why people should like you for you.
6. Always have a good sense of humour. Don't take things too seriously, try to smile easily and laugh more often. Even if you don't feel your best, try to think of positive things more often.
7. '"Pretty is as pretty does"' Be the person you believe yourself to be on the inside. Attractiveness is not just about physical qualities. Charisma and magnetism and confidence are far more attractive than a stereotypically *beautiful* person with a nasty attitude.
8. Work your eyes. You can flirt just by looking at a guy or a girl with eye contact. Playfully batter your lashes, stay wide-eyed and when he or she says something that should generate a reaction or response, simply open your eyes even wider. This is giving the message "I am interested and listening. You fascinate me". (Although, don't open your eyes too wide, it could make you look fake and scare them off or it will make it look like if she did something and you're looking at her like "IT'S HER!" XD.)
• Confidence is the most important - it can give you the necessary presence, charm, charisma and sex appeal you want.
• Meet new people for fun! Don't force yourself to appear sexy or something, just have a good time and don't hide your natural sex appeal.
• Always keep a positive attitude and smile. Sexy people usually smile often.
• Stand tall and be observant if you find someone that may have been glancing your direction, walk over and start a conversation. *The best line to use is "Hi my name is (state your name clearly and confidently) and how are you?"
• Most importantly, be yourself. Pretending to be anyone you're not will work against your own natural charm.
• Keeping your eyes halfway open is very sexy. This does not mean looking as if you're on drugs or tired, but keeping them slightly less that completely open, relaxed. This gives off the message that "there's something good i'm hiding" and a little mysterious, which guys love. Then, when you're actually talking to someone, open your eyes wide.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Multiple Values in One Variable
Let's start by looking at a combination of if statements that are testing for different values in the same variable.
This code tests the value contained within the "red" variable and if it is 1 or 2 it assigns the equivalent word to the "result" variable. If the value is anything other than 1 or 2 it sets the result to unknown. You can achieve this same result using a single case statement as shown in the following code and I am sure that you will agree that this case statement provides a much easier to read version. This would be even more noticable if we wanted to compare for say 20 different possible results instead of the two in this example.
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The case statement starts with the reserved word "switch" which is followed by the variable or expression that is to be evaluated. Each possible result is specified using the "case" reserved word followed by the value to test against and a colon. This is then followed by the statements to be run if this condition is met. The "default:" reserved word supplies the code to run if none of the preceding conditions is met.
You will also notice that each section of code ends with the "break" statement. This statement terminates the case statement and jumps to the statement following (the document.write in the above example). If the break statement is omitted then the code for the following condition would be run instead. Leaving out the break statement allows you to do some clever field manipulations using the case statement but you should not try this until you are very familiar with programming in Javascript.
Using What You Know
Let's say that you have a number of different greetings that you would like to display on your page depending on the time of year. These greetings will be the same each year so we'd like to keep all of them in our page so that we don't go rewording them the next time we need to use them.
We can easily incorporate all of the different messages that we want to be able to display into document.write statements within a case statement. It is then a simple matter to change the value of the variable that the case statement is testing so as to display the appropriate message. The follwoing code will display a default message of "Welcome" since the value is not one of those specifically listed. To change the message to "Merry Christmas" we just change the value assigned to message to 1 instead.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Intellectual property rights
Intellectual property rights - are a bundle of exclusive rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial. The former is covered by copyright laws, which protect creative works, such as books, movies, music, paintings, photographs, and software, and give the copyright holder exclusive right to control reproduction or adaptation of such works for a certain period of time.[3]
The second category is collectively known as "industrial properties", as they are typically created and used for industrial or commercial purposes. A patent may be granted for a new, useful, and non-obvious invention and gives the patent holder a right to prevent others from practicing the invention without a license from the inventor for a certain period of time. A trademark is a distinctive sign which is used to prevent confusion among products in the marketplace.
An industrial design right protects the form of appearance, style or design of an industrial object from infringement. A trade secret is an item of non-public information concerning the commercial practices or proprietary knowledge of a business। Public disclosure of trade secrets may sometimes be illegal.
Intellectual property rights
Intellectual property rights - are a bundle of exclusive rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial. The former is covered by copyright laws, which protect creative works, such as books, movies, music, paintings, photographs, and software, and give the copyright holder exclusive right to control reproduction or adaptation of such works for a certain period of time.[3]
The second category is collectively known as "industrial properties", as they are typically created and used for industrial or commercial purposes. A patent may be granted for a new, useful, and non-obvious invention and gives the patent holder a right to prevent others from practicing the invention without a license from the inventor for a certain period of time. A trademark is a distinctive sign which is used to prevent confusion among products in the marketplace.
An industrial design right protects the form of appearance, style or design of an industrial object from infringement. A trade secret is an item of non-public information concerning the commercial practices or proprietary knowledge of a business। Public disclosure of trade secrets may sometimes be illegal.
Intellectual property
Intellectual property- (IP) refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.
Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial property, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications of source; and Copyright, which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Per"pe*tra`tor\, n. [L.]
- One who perpetrates; esp., one who commits an offense or crime.
- To present, execute, or do in a poor or tasteless manner.
- Someone who perpetrates wrongdoing.
A controversial term. Some authors choose a very narrow definition, relating to deployments, by known terrorist organizations, of disruption attacks against information systems for the primary purpose of creating alarm and panic. By this narrow definition, it is difficult to identify any instances of cyberterrorism.
Cyberterrorism can also be defined much more generally, for example, as “The premeditated use of disruptive activities, or the threat thereof, against computers and/or networks, with the intention to cause harm or further social, ideological, religious, political or similar objectives. Or to intimidate any person in furtherance of such objectives.” This broad definition was created by Kevin G. Coleman of the Technolytics Institute. The term was coined by Barry C. Collin.
What are Cyber Criminals???
Internet banking and credit card fraud - is now the fastest growing sector of global organised crime, increasing at a rate of about 40% per year.With Brazil thought to have by far the largest number of cyber criminals, Misha Glenny, reporting for the BBC World Service's How Crime Took On The World, went to meet some of those trying to profit from the $100bn (£51bn) industry.Fabio's small frame is hunched over an ancient computer screen in a dingy internet cafe in one of the favelas of Sao Paulo. He is learning the basic skills needed to commit crime online.Fabio - not his real name - is taking his online lessons from experienced computer hackers. He is disarmingly matter-of-fact about his new career."I buy small things - mobile phones, cameras - so that people don't even know I've been using their credit cards," he explains.
Fabio is a low-level frontline operative in a rapidly expanding battle taking place in the virtual world. For the moment, he is unlikely to be caught because he is restricting himself to the regular theft of small amounts of money.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Are IT Workers Professionals?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The 10 Commandment of Computer Ethics
3.Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files.
4.Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
5.Thou shalt not use a a computer to bear false witness.
6.Thou shalt not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
7.Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization.
8.Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
9Thou shalt think about the social consequences of program you write .
10.Thou shalt not use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Classmates of BSCS 1
Michael John Hernaez
Juvie Mar Pesidas
Edilyn Duarte
Jessie Bingil
Genrell Darunday
Kenneth Gabriel Agno
Mary Grace Alviso
Joan Maganto
Darwin Cornelio
Maribeth Calliates
Eric Dave Galado
Hercy Pedregosa
Manuel Lanicho Jr.
Eric Usman
Nerwin Lobo
Mylene Andea
Julita Rapaz
Marivic Corbita
Lieziel Torres
Gellemar Pelicano
Zeronda Mae Natibo-oc
Raymond Jay Biloy
Wardey Eliang
Rose Ann Tabausares
Jenelyn Corbita
Anabel Igcanilos
Zahir Kandog
Charity Grace Nebres
Niño Kalaw
Gemma Bañoc
Clarisa Devila
Ray Anthony Lariosa
Marivic Corbita
Junry Aguilar